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单词 upon
释义 upon
UK [ə'pɒn] US [-'pɑ:n] preposition
 ESSENTIAL  formal
■on 在…上
Upon her head she wore a black velvet hat.她头戴一顶黑色天鹅绒帽子。
You can never place enough emphasis upon the importance of safety.无论怎样强调安全的重要性都不过分。
Upon your arrival (= As soon as you arrive) , please report to the reception desk.到达后请即刻到接待处报到。
be upon you slightly formal
■to be something that you will experience or have to deal with soon 近在咫尺;就要来临
Another couple of weeks and the holidays will be upon us.再过几周,我们的假期就要开始了。




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