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单词 halt
释义 halt
UK [hɒlt] US [hɑ:lt] verb intransitive or transitive
■to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening (使)停止,停下
"Halt!" called the guard. "You can't go any further without a permit."“站住!”警卫喊道,“没有通行证不能入内。”
Production has halted at all of the company's factories because of the pay dispute.由于工资纠纷,这家公司所有工厂都停产了。
Security forces halted the demonstrators by blocking the road.警卫部队用封路的办法来制止示威者前进。
UK [hɒlt] US [hɑ:lt] noun only singular
■when something stops moving or happening 停止,停下,中止
the recent halt in production最近的停产
Severe flooding has brought trains to a halt (= prevented them from moving) on several lines in Scotland.凶猛的洪水使苏格兰几条铁路线上的火车停驶。
The bus came to a halt (= stopped) just in time to avoid hitting the wall.公车正好及时停下,没有撞到墙上。
If traffic increases beyond a certain level, the city grinds to a halt (= stops completely).如果交通流量的增长超过一定限度,城市就会陷于瘫痪状态。
The car screeched to a halt (= suddenly and noisily stopped) just as the lights turned red.这辆车就在号志灯变红时嘎吱一声煞住了车。
call a halt to sth
■to prevent something from continuing 停止,中止
How many more people will have to die before they call a halt to the fighting?还要死多少人他们才肯停战?




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