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单词 flounder
释义 flounder
UK ['flaʊn.dər] US [-dɚ] verb intransitive
■to experience great difficulties or be completely unable to decide what to do or say next 困难重重;艰苦挣扎;不知所措
He lost the next page of his speech and floundered (about/around) for a few seconds.他把演讲稿的下一页弄丢了,支支吾吾了几秒钟。
Although his business was a success, his marriage was floundering.他虽然事业有成,可婚姻却陷入困境。
In 1986 Richardson resigned as chairman, leaving the company floundering.1986年,理查森辞去了董事长职务,公司因此在困境中苦苦挣扎。
UK ['flaʊn.dər] US [-dɚ] noun countable or uncountable (plural flounder or flounders)
■a flat fish that lives in the sea, or its flesh eaten as food 鲆,鲽;鲆鱼肉




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