soar UK [sɔ:r] US [sɔ:r] verb RISE QUICKLY 快速上升 ADVANCED intransitive usually + adverb or preposition ■to rise very quickly to a high level 猛增,骤升•All night long fireworks soared into the sky.整个晚上烟火不断地窜上高空。 •Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend say the weather forecasters.天气预报员说,周末气温会骤升至华氏80多度。 •House prices had soared a further twenty per cent.房价又窜升了20%。 ADVANCED transitive ■to reach a great height 升至(很高的高度),高达•The highest peak in the range soars 15 771 feet into the sky.这一山脉的最高峰高耸入云,海拔达15771呎。 UK [sɔ:r] US [sɔ:r] verb FLY 飞翔 intransitive ■(of a bird or aircraft) to rise high in the air while flying without moving the wings or using power (鸟或飞行器)翱翔,飞翔•She watched the gliders soaring effortlessly above her.她看着滑翔机在她头顶上方轻松自如地翱翔。 |