desertion UK [dɪ'zɜ:.ʃən] US [-'zɝ:-] noun RUN AWAY 逃走 countable or uncountable ■the process of leaving the armed forces without permission 当逃兵•During the war, desertion was punishable by death.战争时当逃兵可被判死刑。 •There were thousands of desertions in the last weeks of the war.在战争即将结束的最后几周时间里发生了数千宗逃兵事件。 •figurative There have been mass desertions from (= a lot of people have left) the party in recent months.数月来出现了大量退党事件。 UK [dɪ'zɜ:.ʃən] US [-'zɝ:-] noun LEAVE BEHIND 丢下 uncountable ■the process of leaving someone behind in a difficult situation 抛弃,丢弃•Roger got his divorce on the grounds of desertion (= because his wife had left him).罗杰因妻子出走而获准离婚。 |