absence ['æb.sənts] noun NOT PRESENT 不在场的 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■when someone is not where they are usually expected to be 缺席;缺勤;不在•A new manager was appointed during/in her absence.她不在的时候任命了一位新经理。 •She has had repeated absences from work this year.今年她屡次旷工。 ['æb.sənts] noun NOT EXISTING 不存在 ADVANCED uncountable ■when something does not exist 不存在;缺乏•He drew attention to the absence of concrete evidence against the defendant.他使大家注意到,并不存在可以证明被告有罪的确凿证据。 •In the absence of (= because there were not) more suitable candidates, we decided to offer the job to Mr Conway.由于没有更为合适的人选,我们决定把这个工作机会给康韦先生。 ['æb.sənts] noun Absence makes the heart grow fonder. saying ■This means that when people we love are not with us, we love them even more. 人远心更近。/不相见,倍思念。 |