convey [kən'veɪ] verb transitive COMMUNICATE 传达 ADVANCED ■to express a thought, feeling or idea so that it is understood by other people 表达,传达(思想、感情或想法)•His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.他的诗歌表达了献身宗教的强烈感情。 •If you see James, do convey my apologies (to him).要是你见到詹姆斯,一定要转达我(对他)的歉意。 •[+ question word] I tried to convey in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.在发言中,我竭力地表达我们大家对他所给予帮助的感激之情。 •You don't want to convey the impression that we're not interested.你不想给人留下我们不感兴趣的印象吧。 [kən'veɪ] verb transitive TAKE 带走 ■to take or carry someone or something to a particular place 运送,运输•The goods are usually conveyed by sea.这种货物通常透过海路运输。 •Could you convey a message to Mr Merrick for me, please?你能替我给梅里克先生传个口信吗? |