apt [æpt] adjective SUITABLE 适当的 ■suitable or right for a particular situation 适当的,恰当的;合适的•an apt comment/description中肯的评论/贴切的描述 [æpt] adjective LIKELY 很可能的 be apt to do sth /be apt to be sth ■to be likely to do something or to often do something 易于做…的;常做…的•The kitchen roof is apt to (= likely to) leak when it rains.一下雨厨房屋顶就容易漏水。 •She's in her eighties now and apt to be a bit forgetful.她已经80多岁了,有些健忘。 [æpt] adjective CLEVER 聪明的 formal ■having a natural ability or skill; clever 天资聪明的,有天赋的;聪明的•We have some particularly apt students in the class this year.这学年班里有几个特别聪明的学生。 |