释义 |
cleaner UK ['kli:.nər] US [-nɚ] noun countable ■a person whose job is to clean houses, offices, public places, etc. 清洁工•Chris has an evening job as an office cleaner.克里斯有份晚上的工作,做办公室的清洁工。 countable or uncountable ■a substance used for cleaning things 清洁剂,去污剂•We've run out of floor cleaner.我们的地板清洁剂用完了。 cleaner's countable ■a shop where clothes that cannot be washed in an ordinary washing machine are cleaned 洗衣店;干洗店•Could you pick up my suit from the cleaner's for me, please?请你帮我把西装从干洗店取回来,好吗? ⇒ See also dry cleaner's UK ['kli:.nər] US [-nɚ] noun take sb to the cleaner's informal ■to get a lot of money from someone, usually by cheating them (通常指透过欺骗)从(某人)那里大捞一笔;骗光(某人)的钱•Paul was really taken to the cleaner's on that deal.保罗在那桩生意上确实赔得精光。 ■to defeat someone by a very large amount 彻底击败;大胜•In the second half, United were really taken to the cleaner's, and they finally lost the match 6-1.下半场,联队惨遭蹂躏,最终以1比6输掉了比赛。 |