ruin ['ru:.ɪn] verb transitive IMPROVER ■to spoil or destroy severely or completely (完全)毁掉,毁坏;破坏;糟踏•Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline.庞然大物般的现代旅馆已经完全毁掉了这片曾经如世外桃源般的海岸。 •Her injury ruined her chances of winning the race.她受了伤,毁掉了赢得比赛的机会。 ■to cause a person or company to lose all their money or their reputation 使破产;使身败名裂;毁灭•Cheap imported goods are ruining many businesses.廉价的进口商品使众多公司正走向破产。 •If there's a scandal I'll be ruined!如果出了丑闻,我就会身败名裂! ['ru:.ɪn] noun uncountable ■when something is spoilt or destroyed 毁掉,毁坏,破坏•The car accident meant the ruin of all her hopes.这场撞车事故使她的一切希望都彻底破灭了。 •They let the palace fall into ruin.他们听任那座宫殿沦为一片废墟。 uncountable ■when a person or company loses all their money or their reputation 破产;身败名裂;毁灭•Many companies are on the edge/brink/verge of ruin.很多公司濒临破产。 •Alcohol was my ruin (= the thing that spoiled my life)酒毁掉了我的一生。 countable ■the broken parts that are left from an old building or town 废墟;残垣断壁;倒塌的建筑物•We visited a Roman ruin.我们游览了一处古罗马遗址。 •the ruins of the ancient city of Carthage迦太基古城遗址 be/lie in ruins ■(of a building or city) to be extremely badly damaged so that most of it has fallen down (建筑物或城市)沦为一片废墟,成为一片残垣断壁•The town lay in ruins after years of bombing.数年的轰炸已把这座城镇变成一片废墟。 ■to be in an extremely bad state 完全毁坏;严重受损;垮掉•The economy was in ruins after the war.战后经济完全陷于崩溃之中。 |