nicely ['naɪ.sli] adverb PLEASANT 令人愉快地 ADVANCED ■well, pleasantly or satisfactorily 令人愉快地;满意地•Those trousers fit you nicely.那条裤子你穿很合身。 •You've painted the woodwork very nicely.你把木建部分漆得很漂亮啊。 •Bake the mixture for 35 to 40 minutes until the cake is nicely browned.把混合料烘烤35至40分钟,直至烤成漂亮的黄褐色蛋糕。 •They said the baby was doing nicely (= was healthy) and would soon be back at home.他们说婴儿身体很健康,很快就可以回家。 ['naɪ.sli] adverb KIND 好心地 ■in a kind, friendly or polite way 好心地,友善地,礼貌地•Well, I like her - she's always treated me very nicely.哦,我喜欢她——她一直待我很不错。 •You can have another biscuit if you ask nicely.如果你好好说的话,还可以再吃一块饼干。 ['naɪ.sli] adverb do nicely informal ■to make a large profit 获利颇丰•They did very nicely from the sale of their company.他们靠出售公司大赚了一笔。 ['naɪ.sli] adverb that'll do nicely ■used to say that something is satisfactory 那样很好,那很令人满意•That'll do nicely, thank you.那样挺好,谢谢你。 |