释义 |
AA [ˌeɪ'eɪ] noun DEGREE 学位 countable abbreviation for ■Associate in Arts: a degree given by an American college to someone after they have finished a two-year course, or a person who has this degree (美国大学一种两年制的)文科准学士(学位) [ˌeɪ'eɪ] noun ALCOHOL 酒 only singular [+ sing/pl verb] abbreviation for ■Alcoholics Anonymous: an organization for people who drink too much alcohol and want to cure themselves of this habit 戒酒协会•an AA meeting戒酒协会的集会 [ˌeɪ'eɪ] noun CARS 汽车 the AA only singular [+ sing/pl verb] abbreviation for ■the Automobile Association: a British organization which gives help and information to drivers who are members of it (英国)汽车协会 |