whisper UK ['wɪs.pər] US [-pɚ] verb SPEAK 讲话 IMPROVER intransitive or transitive ■to speak very quietly, using thebreath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you can hearyou 小声说话;低语;耳语•Sheleaned over and whispered something in his ear.她俯身对他耳语了些甚么。 •What are you twogirls whispering about?你们两个女孩子在窃窃私语些甚么? •[+ speech] "Where are the toilets?" she whispered.“洗手间在哪里?”她低声问道。 •It's rude towhisper!窃窃私语是不礼貌的! UK ['wɪs.pər] US [-pɚ] verb SUGGEST 迹象 [+ that] ■to suggest privately that somethingmight be true 私下里说;传闻•People are whispering that she's going to retire next year.人们私下里说她明年要退休了。 UK ['wɪs.pər] US [-pɚ] noun SPEECH 说话 countable ■a way of speaking very quietly, using the breath butnot the voice, so that only the person close to you can hear you 小声说话;低语;耳语•I heard whispersoutside my room.我听见有人在我房间外窃窃私语。 •She said it in a whisperso I presumed it wasn't common knowledge. "You see," she said, lowering hervoice to a whisper, "he hasn't been well recently."她说这件事时声音很小,所以我推断并不是人人都知道。“你知道,”她说着就把声音压得很低,“他最近身体一直不太好。” only singular literary ■a soft, lownoise 沙沙声;飒飒声•Thesilence was broken only by the whisper of theleaves in the gentle breeze.这片寂静被微风吹拂树叶的沙沙声打破了。 UK ['wɪs.pər] US [-pɚ] noun SUGGESTION 迹象 countable ■a suggestion or piece of information that you hearprivately from someone 传闻;私下的议论•I've heard a whisper that they're heading for divorce.我听人们私下里说他们要离婚。 |