stimulating UK ['stɪm.jʊ.leɪ.tɪŋ] US [-ɪŋ] adjective ■If something is stimulating, it encourages new ideas (物)有启发性的•a stimulating discussion具有启发性的讨论 •Universities have been asked to make their courses more attractive and stimulating.大学已被要求调整课程,增强吸引力和启发性。 ■describes someone who makes you feel enthusiastic and full of ideas (人)能激发热情的,激发灵感的•a really stimulating teacher真正循循善诱的老师 ■If an activity is stimulating, it causes your body to be active (活动)增强活力的,促进身体机能的•Aerobics is one of the most stimulating forms of exercise.有氧舞蹈是最能增强身体活力的运动之一。 |