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单词 | say |
释义 | say [seɪ] verb (said, said) SPEAK 说话 ESSENTIAL transitive ■to pronounce words or sounds, to express a thought, opinion, or suggestion, or to state a fact or instruction 说;讲;陈述;表达;说明 •Small children find it difficult to say long words.小孩子觉得长字不好说。 •She said goodbye •Ben never forgets to say "Please" and "Thank you".班从来不忘说“请”和“谢谢”。 •How do you say 'goodbye' in French?“法语里的‘再见’怎么说?” •I'm sorry, what did you say?对不起,你刚才说甚么? •Do you know what she said to •What did they say about •[+ speech] "I'm going out this evening, " she said.“今晚我要出去,”她说。 •[+ (that •[+ question word] She didn't say wh •Did she say (= tell you) wh •[+ to •I've got something •The offer was so good that I couldn't Common Learner Errors say or tell?When talking about the truth, lies, jokes, news, stories or secrets, don't use 'say', use tell :✗ I knew that he was saying the truth. ✗ Dave is always saying jokes and funny stories. ✗ I have some fantastic news to say you. [seɪ] verb (said, said) THINK 认为 ESSENTIAL intransitive or transitive ■to think or believe 认为;相信 •[+ (that •"It's going to be a very hot summer." " So •She is a firm leader, too firm, some might ESSENTIAL intransitive or transitive ■to give (as) an opinion or suggestion about something 发表意见;表达观点 •"Who do you think will get the job?" "I'd rather not say."“你认为谁会得到这份工作?”“我宁愿不发表意见。” •What are you saying, exactly (= What do you mean) ?你到底是甚么意思? •[+ (that •informal What do you say we (= What do you think about the idea that we should) sell the car?你觉得我们把车卖了怎么样? transitive ■to show what you think without using words 表明;表现;显示 •[+ (that transitive always passive ■When something or someone is said to be a particular thing, that is what people think or believe about them 据说,据信 •[+ (that •[+ to be [seɪ] verb (said, said)GIVE INFORMATION 提供资讯 ESSENTIAL transitive ■to give information in writing, numbers or signs 说明;指示 •My watch says 3 o'clock.我的表是三点钟。 •Can you read what that notice says?你看得清楚公告吗? •[+ (that •[+ to [seɪ] verb (said, said)before you can say Jack Robinson old-fashioned informal ■used to say that something happens very quickly 转瞬间,一眨眼 •Before you could say Jack Robinson, she'd jumped into the car and driven away.一眨眼的功夫,她已经跳上汽车开走了。 [seɪ] verb (said, said)does what it says on the tin UK informal ■If something does what it says on the tin, it does exactly what it is intended to do 说到做到,实际功能(或服务等)与声称的相符 •The hotel does exactly what it says on the tin and offers customers a relaxing break.这家饭店果然能兑现承诺,让客人轻轻松松地享受假期。 [seɪ] verb (said, said)have a lot to say for yourself informal disapproving ■to talk too much and seem to have a high opinion of yourself 自吹自擂 [seɪ] verb (said, said) have nothing to say for yourself informal ■to not be willing to take part in conversations or express your opinions 不愿交谈,不愿表态 [seɪ] verb (said, said) having said that ■despite what has just been said 尽管如此,话说回来 •He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday.他很健忘,不过,他一直记得我的生日。 [seɪ] verb (said, said)I must say ■I must admit 我必须说,我不得不承认 •I must say, I don't think much of her dress.我不得不承认,我认为她的穿着不怎么样。 [seɪ] verb (said, said)I wouldn't say no informal ■used to say that you would like something that is offered to you (表示想要某物)好的 •"Would you like another drink?" "I wouldn't say no."“再来一杯吗?”“好吧。” [seɪ] verb (said, said)I'll say! informal ■used to show that you agree very strongly with what has been said 当然!的确如此! •"Does he eat a lot?" "I'll say!"“他吃得很多吗?”“当然!” [seɪ] verb (said, said)it goes without saying ■used to mean that something is obvious 不言而喻,不证自明,不用说 •Of course, it goes without saying that [seɪ] verb (said, said)it says a lot for sb/sth ■used to show how determined someone or something is 很能说明决心(用于表达某人或某物如何坚定) •It says a lot for her determination that [seɪ] verb (said, said)not say boo US informal ■to say nothing 甚么也没说,一言未发 •You didn't say boo to me about going to your mother's this weekend.你从没和我提起过这个周末要去看你母亲的事情。 US (UK not say boo to a goose) informal ■to be very nervous and easily frightened 非常胆小 [seɪ] verb (said, said) not to say ■and possibly even 虽不能说,即使说不上 •It would be unwise, not to say stupid, to leave your first job after only six months.第一份工作才做六个月就辞掉,这虽说不上愚蠢,但也不明智。 [seɪ] verb (said, said)(let's) say ■used to introduce a suggestion or possible example of something (用于引出建议或举例) •Try and finish the work by, let's say, Friday.我建议尽量在星期五前完成这项工作。 •Say/Let's say (= If we accept) (that) [seɪ] verb (said, said)say your piece ■to say what you are obviously wanting to say 直抒胸臆,直言不讳 •Just say your piece and then go.只管说你想说的话,说完就离开。 [seɪ] verb (said, said)say goodbye to sth ■to accept that you will not have something any more or that you will not get it 不再拥有;得不到 •If Europe fails to agree on this, we can say goodbye to any common foreign policy.如果欧洲不能就此达成共识,我们就不会有任何共同的外交政策了。 [seɪ] verb (said, said)say no more ■said to show that you understand exactly what the other person is suggesting 知道了,不用再讲了 •"I saw him coming out of her flat." "Say no more!"“我看见他从她的公寓里出来。”“明白了,不要再说了!” [seɪ] verb (said, said)say the word ■used to tell someone that you will do what they want at the time when they ask you 吩咐一下,说一声,表示一下 •You only have to/Just [seɪ] verb (said, said)say 1 |
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