reaction [ri'æk.ʃən] noun BEHAVIOUR 反应 ESSENTIAL countable ■behaviour, a feeling or an action that is a direct result of something else 反应;回应•I love to watch people's reactions when I say who I am.我喜欢观察人们在听到我说出我是谁时的反应。 •There has been an immediate/widespread/hostile reaction against the government's proposed tax increases.人们对政府的增税计划迅速作出了反应/政府的增税计划引起了广泛的反应/政府的增税计划遭到了反对。 •Reactions to the proposal so far have been adverse/favourable/mixed.到目前为止,人们对该计划一直持反对态度/表示支持/反应不一。 reactions [plural] ■someone's ability to act quickly when something happens (对突发事件的)反应能力,反应灵敏度•You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games.玩这些电脑游戏要反应灵敏。 countable usually singular ■a type of behaviour or opinion that is produced or held with the intention of being different from something else 反对;抗拒;对抗•Her left-wing views are a reaction against the conservatism of her parents.她的左翼观点是对父母保守主义政见的一种对抗。 [ri'æk.ʃən] noun UNPLEASANT EFFECT 不良反应 ADVANCED countable ■an unpleasant effect resulting from eating particular things or taking particular drugs (对食物、药物等的)不良反应,过敏•Some people have an allergic reaction to shellfish.有些人吃贝类会有过敏反应。 [ri'æk.ʃən] noun SCIENCE 化学 countable or uncountable ■when two or more substances react with and change each other 化学反应•a chemical reaction(化学反应中的)反应体,反应物 [ri'æk.ʃən] noun NO CHANGE 没有变化 uncountable disapproving ■the belief or principle that there should be no social or political change, and the attempt to stop such change from happening 反动;保守;守旧•We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.我们一定不能让保守主义成为前进道路上的绊脚石。 |