tea [ti:] noun DRINK 饮料 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■(a drink made by pouring hot water onto) dried and cut leaves and sometimes flowers, especially the leaves of the tea plant 茶;茶叶•China/Indian tea中国/印度茶 •iced/lemon tea冰茶/柠檬茶 •a selection of herbal teas多种花草茶 •I'd love a cup of tea, please.请给我来一杯茶。 •"Shall I pour the tea?" "No, let it brew (= get stronger) a while."“要我把茶倒上吗?”“不用,再泡一会儿。” •Tea and biscuits will be provided at 11 o'clock.11点会提供茶点。 •How do you like your tea - strong or weak ?你喜欢喝甚么样的茶——浓的还是淡的? •We sat in the shade of a tree, sipping tea and eating scones.我们坐在树阴下,边品茶边吃烤饼。 •I'm not much of a tea drinker.我不怎么喝茶。 •UK informal How about a nice cup of tea? That'll make you feel better.来杯好茶怎么样?喝完了你会感觉好些的。 countable ■a cup of tea 一杯茶•Two teas, please.请来两杯茶。 [ti:] noun MEAL 餐 ADVANCED uncountable ■a meal that is eaten in the early evening and is usually cooked 午后餐 uncountable ■a small meal eaten in the late afternoon, usually including cake and a cup of tea 午后茶点 [ti:] noun tea and sympathy old-fashioned ■kindness and sympathy that you show to someone who is upset 安慰和同情•It's time for action, not just tea and sympathy.是采取行动的时候了,光有安慰和同情是不够的。 [ti:] noun would not do sth for all the tea in China old-fashioned ■used to say that nothing could persuade you to do something 绝对不做,无论如何都不做•I wouldn't take that job for all the tea in China.我决不会去做那个工作。 |