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单词 press
释义 press
[pres] verb
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep]
■to push something firmly, often without causing it to move permanently further away from you 按,压;推;挤
Press the button to start the machine.按下按钮,启动机器。
He pressed his face against the window.他把脸贴在窗户上。
Can you press a bit harder on my shoulders, please?你按压我的肩膀时能再用力一点吗?
The crowd pressed against the locked doors trying to get into the building.人群推挤着上锁的门想进到屋里。
Press down firmly on the lever.用力压下杠杆。
 ADVANCED  transitive
■to make clothes smooth by ironing them 熨平,烫平
I'll just press these trousers.我正要把这些裤子熨平。
■to put a weight on fruit in order to remove the juice 挤取,榨取(果汁)
to press grapes榨葡萄汁
■to make a record or CD 制作,录制(唱片)
Over 3000 copies of the CD were pressed and sent out to college radio stations.录制了超过3000张雷射唱片并送到各个大学的广播电台。
■to make something flat and firm by putting it under something heavy 把…压平,压扁
The children pressed some flowers.孩子们把一些花压平了。
pressed turkey breast压紧的火鸡胸肉
[pres] verb
■to try hard to persuade someone to do something 敦促;逼迫;催促
[+ obj + to infinitive] The committee pressed him to reveal more information.委员会敦促他透露更多资讯。
He's pressing me for an answer.他逼着我作出答覆。
Can I press you further on (= persuade you to say more about) this issue?我能否要求你对这件事作进一步说明?
press charges
■to complain officially about someone in a court of law 提起诉讼
The family have decided not to press charges against him.这家人决定不对他提出诉讼。
press a case/claim
■to continue to try to make people accept your demands 坚持,竭力要求
Once again he tried to press his case for promotion.他又一次竭力要求升职。
[pres] verb
press sth/sb into service
■to use something or someone that is not completely suitable because nothing or no one more suitable is available 将就使用,临时凑合用
The car's broken down so I've had to press my old bike back into service.汽车坏了,我只好将就骑自己的旧脚踏车了。
[pres] verb
press home your advantage
■to use an advantage that you already have in order to succeed 充分利用本身的优势以取得胜利
[pres] verb
press the flesh informal
■to shake hands with a lot of people 与许多人握手
Politicians have to press the flesh.政客们不得不和很多人握手。
[pres] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   press on/ahead
■to start or continue doing something in a determined way, often despite problems 奋进;(不顾困难地)继续进行
It was pouring with rain, but we pressed on regardless.尽管下着倾盆大雨,但我们还是继续前进。
The government is pressing ahead with its plans to reorganize the health service.政府在努力推行公共医疗卫生服务的改革计划。
[pres] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   press sth on sb
■to give something to someone and not allow them to refuse to accept it 迫使(某人)接受,把…硬塞给(某人),把…强加于(某人)
All the children had sweets and presents pressed on them by the visitors.所有孩子都被来访者硬塞了一堆糖果和礼物。
[pres] noun
the press only singular [+ sing/pl verb]
■newspapers and magazines, and those parts of television and radio which broadcast news, or reporters and photographers who work for them 报刊;报道;新闻界;记者,新闻工作者
The incident has been widely reported in the press.报刊大幅报道了此事。
press reports/coverage媒体报道
press reporters/photographers新闻记者/摄影师
the local/national press地方性/全国性报刊
The charity invited the press (= reporters and photographers) to a presentation of its plans for the future.这家慈善机构邀请新闻界参加其未来计划的介绍说明会。
The press was/were out in force at the awards ceremony.记者倾巢出动去采访颁奖仪式。
The freedom of the press (= the right of newspapers to publish news and opinions without being controlled by the government) must be upheld.新闻自由必须得到捍卫。
[S or U]
■the judgment that is given of someone or something in the newspapers or on radio or television 新闻舆论,媒体评论
What kind of press did his play get?报刊对他的剧本评论如何?
UK The play has had a good/bad press.媒体对这部戏的评论很好/不好。
US The play has had good/bad press.媒体对这部戏的评论很好/不好。
[pres] noun
■a business which prints and produces books and similar things 出版社;印刷厂
Cambridge University Press剑桥大学出版社
[pres] noun
■a machine that is used for printing 印刷机
a printing press印刷机
go to press
■to start to be printed 付印,开印
The newspaper will go to press at midnight.报纸将在午夜付印。
[pres] noun
countable usually singular
■a firm push against something using the fingers 按,压,推,挤
To start the machine, just give this button a press.要启动机器,按一下这个按钮就可以了。
only singular
■when you make cloth smooth with an iron 熨烫
Can you give this shirt a quick press?你能快速熨一下这件衬衫吗?
■a piece of equipment which is used to put weight on something in order to crush it, remove liquid from it or to make it flat 压平器;压榨机;熨烫机
a garlic/trouser/wine press压蒜器/烫裤机/葡萄酒压榨机




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