plus [plʌs] preposition ESSENTIAL ■added to 加,加上•What is six plus four?6加4等于几? •The rent will be £75 a week, plus (= added to the cost of) gas and electricity.加上煤气和电费,每周租金为75英镑。 [plʌs] preposition conjunction IMPROVER ■and also 并且,而且;加上•There will be two adults travelling, plus three children.旅行时将有两个大人,外加三个小孩。 •informal Let's not go on holiday in August - it'll be too hot - plus it'll be more expensive.我们不要在八月份去度假——天气太热,而且开销会更大。 [plʌs] noun countable ADVANTAGE 优势 ADVANCED (plural pluses or plusses) informal ■an advantage or a good feature 优势,好处,长处•Your teaching experience will be a plus in this job.你的教学经验对从事这项工作是个有利条件。 [plʌs] noun countable ADDITION SIGN 增加符号 (also plus sign) ■the + sign, written between two numbers to show that they should be added together 加号;正号 [plʌs] adjective ADDITION 增加 [before noun] ■describes a stated number or amount more than zero 正的;零上•Plus 8 is eight more than zero.+8比0大8。 •The temperature is expected to be no more than plus two (degrees).温度预计只有零上2度。 [after noun] ■more than the number or amount mentioned 略大的,略高的;以上的•temperatures of 40 plus40度以上的温度 •Those cars cost £15 000 plus.那些车总价在1.5万英镑以上。 [after noun] ■used by teachers after a letter, such as B or C, to show that the standard of a piece of work is slightly higher than the stated mark 略高于标准的•I got C plus/C+ for my essay.我作文得了C+。 [plʌs] adjective ADVANTAGE 优势 [before noun] informal ■describing an advantage 优势,好处,长处•The house is near the sea, which is a plus factor for us.房子离海边近,这对我们来说是个有利因素。 •UK The fact that the flight goes from our nearest airport is a real plus point.班机从离我们最近的机场起飞,这一点对我们真的是非常有利。 |