conception [kən'sep.ʃən] noun IDEA 想法 countable or uncountable ■an idea of what something or someone is like, or a basic understanding of a situation or a principle 观念;概念;见解;构想•People from different cultures have different conceptions of the world.不同文化背景的人对世界持有不同的看法。 •She has a conception of people as being basically good.她认为人性本善。 •I thought the book's writing was dreadful, and its conception (= the ideas on which it was based) even worse.我认为这本书写得很差,其构思更是糟糕。 •He has absolutely no conception of how a successful business should run.他根本就不知道成功的企业应当如何经营。 [kən'sep.ʃən] noun BABY 婴儿 uncountable ■the process of a sperm and an egg joining and causing a baby to start to form 受孕,怀孕•at/from the moment of conception在/从受孕的那一刻 |