conceive [kən'si:v] verb IMAGINE 想像 intransitive or transitive ■to imagine something 想像;想出;构想•I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.我觉得我叔叔仍然把我看成是四岁的小孩。 •He couldn't conceive of a time when he would have no job.他不能想像有一天他会没有工作。 •[+ question word] I can't conceive (= It is too shocking to imagine) how anyone could behave so cruelly.我不能想像有人竟然能做出如此残酷的事情。 •[+ that] I find it hard to conceive (= It is too shocking to imagine) that people are still treated so badly.人们竟然还受着那样的虐待,实在令我难以想像。
[kən'si:v] verb INVENT 构思 transitive ■to invent a plan or an idea 构想,想出,设想出(计划或主意)•He conceived the plot for this film while he was still a student.他还是个学生的时候就已经构想出了这部影片的情节。 •The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director.这次展览是由博物馆馆长构思设计的。 ⇒ See also concept [kən'si:v] verb BECOME PREGNANT 怀孕 intransitive or transitive ■to become pregnant, or to cause a baby to begin to form 怀孕;受孕;怀(胎)•Do you know exactly when you conceived?你知道自己怀孕的确切时间吗? •The baby was conceived in March, so will be born in December.这孩子是3月份怀上的,所以会在12月出生。 ⇒ See also conception |