outlook ['aʊt.lʊk] noun FUTURE SITUATION 未来的情况 ADVANCED only singular ■the likely future situation 前景;展望•The outlook for the economy is bleak.经济前景暗淡。 •The outlook for today is cloudy and dry at first with showers later.今天多云,气候干燥,晚些时候有阵雨。 ['aʊt.lʊk] noun OPINION 观点 countable usually singular ■a person's way of understanding and thinking about something 观点,看法•He has a fairly positive outlook on life.他的人生观相当积极。 ['aʊt.lʊk] noun VIEW 景色 countable usually singular formal ■a view 景色,风光,景致•From the top of the tower, the outlook over the city was breathtaking.从塔顶俯视,这座城市的景色令人叹为观止。 |