occupy UK ['ɒk.jʊ.paɪ] US ['ɑ:.kjʊ-] verb transitive FILL 填充 IMPROVER ■to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time 占有,占用,占据(空间或时间)•The bathroom's occupied - I think John's in there.浴室有人——我想是约翰在里面。 •The rest of the time was occupied with writing a report.剩下的时间用来写了份报告。 •The house hasn't been occupied (= lived in) by anyone for a few months.这幢房子已经有几个月没人住了。 •formal A large picture of the battle of Waterloo occupied the space above the fireplace.一幅描绘滑铁卢战役的巨幅画作占据了壁炉上方的空间。 IMPROVER ■to keep someone busy or interested 使(某人)忙于;使(某人)感兴趣•[R] On long car journeys I occupy my self with solving maths puzzles.在乘坐汽车长途旅行中,我解数学难题来打发时间。 •All the new toys kept the kids occupied for hours.这些新玩具让孩子们兴致勃勃地玩了好几个小时。 UK ['ɒk.jʊ.paɪ] US ['ɑ:.kjʊ-] verb transitive TAKE CONTROL 控制 ■(of an army or group of people) to move into and take control and/or possession of a place (军队或一伙人)占领,占据•Troops quickly occupied the city.军队很快占领了城市。 •Protesting students occupied the university office for two weeks.抗议的学生占领大学办公楼达两个星期。 •the occupying forces占领军 |