rightly ['raɪt.li] adverb MORALLY ACCEPTABLE 合乎道德的 IMPROVER ■behaving in a way that is suitable and acceptable 公正地;正当地;合情合理地•They quite rightly complained to the manager.他们向经理投诉,这完全合乎情理。 rightly or wrongly ■used to mean that whether something is correct or not, it is a fact 无论对错;不管怎样•Rightly or wrongly, she has been given the post of managing director.且不要问对错,她反正已经被任命为总经理了。 ['raɪt.li] adverb CORRECTLY 正确地 ■in a correct or exact way 正确地;确切地•Many people rightly believe that the war is a sham.很多人认为这场战争只不过是个骗局,这是真知灼见。 |