Miss [mɪs] noun ESSENTIAL ■a title or form of address for a girl or a woman who has never been married (用在女孩或未婚女子名字前作为称呼)小姐•Dr White will see you now, Miss Carter.卡特小姐,怀特医生现在就见你。 •Miss Helena Lewis海伦娜‧路易士小姐 Compare Ms ; Mrs old-fashioned ■used as a form of address for a girl or young woman who does not appear to be married (作为对看来没有结婚的女孩或青年女子的称呼)小姐•Excuse me, Miss, could you tell me the way to the station?对不起,小姐,你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? ■mainly UK ■sometimes used by children to address teachers who are women (孩子有时对女教师的称呼)老师•Can I go to the toilet, Miss?我能去厕所吗,老师? ■When a woman wins a beauty competition, she is often given the title Miss and the name of the place that she represents (选美得胜后的头衔)小姐•Miss India/UK印度/英国小姐 •the Miss World contest世界小姐比赛 |