释义 |
king [kɪŋ] noun countable MALE RULER 国王 ESSENTIAL ■(the title of) a male ruler of a country, who holds this position because of his royal birth 国王,君王•King Richard II理查二世 •the kings and queens of England英格兰国王和女王 [kɪŋ] noun countable MOST IMPORTANT 最重要者 ■the most important, best or most respected member of a group of animals, things or people (同类动物、事物或人中的)首屈一指者,最重要者•The lion is often called the king of the jungle.狮子经常被称为丛林之王。 •He's the new king of pop music.他是新的流行音乐天王。 [kɪŋ] noun countable GAMES 游戏 ■In the game of chess , the king is the most important piece on the board. It can move one square in any direction. (国际象棋中的)国王 ■a card with a picture of a king on it, used in games (纸牌中的)K•the king of hearts红桃 [kɪŋ] noun countable a king's ransom ■a large amount of money 一大笔钱,钜款•That diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.那条钻石项链一定价值不菲。 [kɪŋ] adjective [before noun] ■used as part of the name of something that is larger than the ordinary type (作为名称的一部分,指某一种类中)巨型的,较大的•king prawns大虾;大王虾 •a king penguin王企鹅;国王企鹅 |