hoard UK [hɔ:d] US [hɔ:rd] verb transitive ■to collect large amounts of something and keep it in a safe, often secret, place 贮藏,囤积•During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.围困期间,人们开始囤积食品和日用品。 •There would be enough food on a daily basis if people were not hoarding it.如果人们不储藏食物,按日常用量应当会有足够的食品供应。 UK [hɔ:d] US [hɔ:rd] noun countable ■a large amount of something that someone has saved and hidden 大量储藏和积存的物品•We found a huge hoard of tinned food in the basement.我们在地下室发现了一大批储藏的罐头食品。 |