suspiciously [sə'spɪʃ.ə.sli] adverb DOUBT 怀疑的 ADVANCED ■in a way that makes you think that something is wrong 猜疑地;怀疑地•He looked at her suspiciously.他满腹狐疑地看着她。 •The children are suspiciously quiet (= are so quiet that they are probably doing something wrong).孩子们安静得让人起疑。 •His hair is suspiciously black (= looks darker than it should be, and is therefore probably not natural) for a man of his age.以他这个年纪的人来说,他的头发黑得有些不太自然。 [sə'spɪʃ.ə.sli] adverb SEEM GUILTY 可疑的 ■in a way that makes you think someone is guilty of something wrong or illegal 可疑地;令人怀疑地•The officers noticed two men acting suspiciously (= as if they were doing something wrong) in a car.警官们注意到车里有两个人形迹可疑。 [sə'spɪʃ.ə.sli] adverb SEEM LIKELY 看似 ■in a way that makes you think something may be true 疑似地;看似地•She brushed away what looked suspiciously like (= looked as if it probably was) a tear.她擦去的好像是一滴眼泪。 |