sustain [sə'steɪn] verb transitive CONTINUE 继续 ADVANCED ■to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time 保持,维持,使持续,使继续•The economy looks set to sustain its growth into next year.看来经济增长会持续到明年。 •He seems to find it difficult to sustain relationships with women.他似乎觉得和女人维持关系并不容易。 •US The judge sustained (= accepted) the lawyer's objection.法官接受了律师的反对意见。 ■to keep alive 维持…的生命,供养•The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to sustain a large population.这里的土地不够肥沃,无法供养大量人口。 [sə'steɪn] verb transitive SUFFER 遭受 formal ■to suffer or experience, especially damage or loss 经历,遭受(尤指破坏或损失)•She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.她在这次事故中有多处受伤。 •Most buildings sustained only minimal damage in the earthquake.在这次地震中,大多数建筑物受到的破坏都很小。 •The company has sustained heavy losses this year.公司今年遭受严重的亏损。 [sə'steɪn] verb transitive SUPPORT 支持 ■to support emotionally (情感上)支持•She was sustained by the strength of her religious faith.宗教信仰的力量支撑着她。 •The love of my family and friends sustained me through my ordeal.家人和朋友的爱支撑着我渡过难关。 |