fertility UK [fə'tɪl.ɪ.ti] US [fɚ'tɪl.ə.tˌi] noun uncountable PEOPLE/ANIMALS/PLANTS 人/动物/植物 ADVANCED ■(of animals and plants) the quality of being able to produce young or fruit (动植物的)生殖力,繁殖能力•a fertility symbol生殖力的象征 •declining fertility rates下降的生育率 UK [fə'tɪl.ɪ.ti] US [fɚ'tɪl.ə.tˌi] noun uncountable LAND 土地 ■(of land) the quality of producing a large number of good quality crops (土地的)肥沃度(土地出产大量优质农作物的能力)•the fertility of the soil土壤的肥沃度 UK [fə'tɪl.ɪ.ti] US [fɚ'tɪl.ə.tˌi] noun uncountable IMAGINATION 想像力 literary ■(of the mind or imagination) the quality of producing a lot of unusual and interesting ideas (头脑)奇思妙想的能力 |