appropriate adjective UK [əˈprəʊ.pri.ət] US [-ˈproʊ-] ESSENTIAL ■suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion 适当的,恰当的;合适的•appropriate footwear for the country适合在乡间穿的鞋 •Is this film appropriate for small children?这部电影适合幼童观看吗? •I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.我觉得他在当时发表那些评论很不妥当。 •Is this an appropriate occasion to discuss finance?这个场合适合讨论财政问题吗? •Please complete the appropriate parts of this form (= the parts that are right or necessary for your particular situation) and return it as soon as possible.请正确填写表中相应部分并尽快交回。 Opposite inappropriate verb transitive UK [əˈprəʊ.pri.eɪt] US [-ˈproʊ-] formal TAKE 拿走 ■to take something for your own use, usually without permission 挪用;占用;盗用;侵吞•He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company's money.他被发现侵吞公司一笔款项后就丢了工作。 verb transitive UK [əˈprəʊ.pri.eɪt] US [-ˈproʊ-] formal KEEP MONEY 保留钱 ■to keep a sum of money to use for a particular purpose 拨出(款项)•The government have appropriated millions of pounds for the project.政府已经为该企划案拨款数百万英镑。 |