elastic [ɪ'læs.tɪk] adjective ■describes material that is able to stretch and be returned to its original shape or size 有弹性的•A lot of sportswear is made of very elastic material.许多运动装都是用弹性较大的材料制成的。 ■able or likely to be changed 灵活的;易顺应(变化)的•The project has only just started so any plans are still very elastic.案子才刚刚启动,所以各项计划都留有很大余地。 •In this country, time is an elastic concept.在这个国家,人们对时间的概念没有那么严格。 [ɪ'læs.tɪk] noun uncountable ■a type of rubber that is able to stretch and be returned to its original shape or size 松紧带;橡皮筋•His trousers were held up with a piece of elastic.他用一条橡皮筋系住裤腰。 |