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◎片名:青空下 讲我知 你爱我
◎又名:青空下 講我知 你愛我
◎剧情简介: 學期快將完結,人氣男生正樹在班上突然宣佈自己快將移居美國的消息,卻欲言又止地說了一句:「我只有一件心事未了」,叫人可圈可點。更令人迷惑的是,他繼而在籃球部放風,表示自己愛上了一個人……霎時之間,惹來一眾女生的猜疑。女子籃球部部長有美、學生會會長亞里沙、青梅竹馬春名、好友尚子與貴子──五個一向暗暗地戀的女孩子,今趟實行來個明愛大行動。本來是一次人生的別離,卻變成一段令人難以忘懷的青春插曲。《情書》監製長澤雅彥操刀,日本九大美少男美少女主演。初戀的熾熱、失戀的灼痛,盡在十五歲的暑假。 In the last year of the junior high, Masaki, suddenly announces to his class that he will move to the U.S with his family after this summer. Regarded as one of the most popular guys in the school, Masaki's notice immediately turns the class into turmoil. Worse still, he admits that he has fallen in love with someone and he wants to make his last wish come true before his leaving home. Yumi, Captain of girls' basketball team, Alisa, Chairlady of the student union, Haruna, a childhood friend of Masaki - all see this as the first but last chance to express their love. From the producer of LOVE LETTER, WAY OF BLUE SKY is a sweet and heartfelt coming-to-age love story. Source: HKAFF 2005