内容推荐 本书共包含四部分——“一棵松”塞罕坝的开始、造林难营林更难、塞罕坝的生态账本、人与自然共生的范例四部分。从塞罕坝在上世纪六十年代创业的艰难历史、三代林场人不间断的传承、塞罕坝在当今绿色发展的探索和启示、塞罕坝55年的变迁等多方面对塞罕坝典型进行了探讨和诠释,见人见事,全面深刻剖析塞罕坝精神,展现塞罕坝人的艰苦创业历程、林业人的低调与奉献、绿色发展的时代理念。 目录 Chapter 1 Green Ecology Model Saihanba 1. History 2. From a Tree to a Forest Chapter 2 First Generation of Forest Establishers:The Pathfinder in the Wilderness 1. Zhao Zhenyu and Bai Wenjuan Saihanba Is Our Home 2. Wang Taiqi and Liu Yuhong 50 Years of Dedicated Work 3. Wang Shanghai:A Decisive "Battle" in Matikeng 4. Chen Yanxian:Dedication to Saihanba without Regrets Chapter 3 Second Generation of Saihanba People:Facing More Difficulties to Preserve the Forest 1. A Couple in Wanghuo Building:Pleased to be Forest Observers 2. Forest Ranger Liu Guo: Measuring the Forest by Foot 3. Guo Zhifeng: Forest Doctor 4. Yan Lijun and Ji Full: Drawing a Blueprint of Saihanba 5. Liu Haiying:The Crowning Success Does Not Have to be Mine Chapter 4 Third Generation of Saihanba People:Finding Joy amid Hardship 1. Yu Shitao: Saihanba Is Our Dream Place 2. Song Yingying and Fu Yingnan:Coexistence of Hardships and Happiness 3. Yu Lei:the Four[h Generation Following up to Saihanba 4. Yang Li:the First Female Worker with a Ph,D. in Saihanba 5. Guo Zhirui:University Graduate Returns to Work in Saihanba Chapter 5 Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains Are Invaluable Assets |