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书名 石窟寺研究(第13辑)
分类 人文社科-历史-考古文物
出版社 科学出版社
山东临朐石窟及摩崖造像调查 衣同娟 王瑞霞(1)
四川资中西岩摩崖造像考察 刘易斯(23)
鲁班窑石窟的功能与信仰研究 郭静娜(48)
山西北周佛教造像的初步整理与研究 崔嘉宝(58)
龟兹壁画“调伏阿摩昼”补议 任平山(76)
敦煌藏经洞《引路菩萨图》及手持长柄香炉的宗教意义 王静娴 常青(85)
大足北山石刻第136、137 号之关系——兼及第136 号有关问题探析 李小强(102)
山西平顺金灯寺明代第5 窟图像构成分析 谷东方(117)
“宝卷与图像”——民乐上天乐石窟仙姑灵迹变与《仙姑宝卷》 魏文斌 吴梦帆(139)
榆林窟第43 窟:敦煌石窟唯一的儒家窟 邢耀龙(158)
旧藏拓片与龙门石窟研究则例 陈 莉 杨超杰(170)
1907 年以来巩县石窟寺调查与研究综述 李龙飞(180)
敦煌莫高窟开放洞窟壁画安全防护实验研究 汪万福 牛贺强 李菱志 等(196)
当前石窟寺数字化值得关注的三个问题 李志荣 刁常宇 宁 波 等(212)
征稿启事 (232)
New Archaeological Discoveries
An Investigation on Grottoes and Cliff Statues in Linqu, Shandong Province Yi Tongjuan Wang Ruixia(1)
An Investigation on the Cliff Shrines of Xiyan in Zizhong, Sichuan Liu Yisi(23)
A Study on the Function and Belief of Lubanyao Grottoes Guo Jingna(48)
The Preliminary Collection and Study on the Northern Zhou Dynasty Buddhist Statues from Shanxi Cui Jiabao(58)
The Wall-Painting on Ambattha Slighting Buddha in Kizil Grottoes Ren Pingshan(76)
On the Guiding (Yinlu) Bodhisattva Paintings from Cave 17 of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang and Religious Thoughts of the Held Incense Burner Wang Jingxian Chang Qing(85)
On the Relationship between Nos. 136 and 137 at Beishan Cliff Images in Dazu: With a Discussion on the Related Issues of No.136 Li Xiaoqiang(102)
An Analysis on the Images of Cave No.5 of Ming Dynasty at Jindeng Temple in Pingshun of Shanxi Gu Dongfang(117)
Precious Scrolls and Images: The Wall Painting on Transformation of Spiritual Trace of the Female Immortal in Shangtianle Grottoes of Minle County and Precious Scrolls of the Female Immortal Wei Wenbin Wu Mengfan(139)
Cave 43 of Yulin Grottoes: The Only Confucian Cave in Dunhuang Area Xing Yaolong(158)
A Case Study on the Old Collection Rubbings and the Study of Longmen Grottoes Chen Li Yang Chaojie(170)
A Review on the Investigations and Researches of Gongxian Grottoes Since 1907 Li Longfei(180)
Technology and Conservation
Experimental Study on the Conservation of the Wall Paintings in the Opened Caves of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang Wang Wanfu Niu Heqiang Li Lingzhi et al.(196)
On Three Noteworthy Issues about the Current Cave Temples Digitization Li Zhirong Diao Changyu Ning Bo et al.(212)
Call for Papers (232)




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