happily ['hæp.ɪ.li] adverb PLEASED 高兴地 ADVANCED ■in a happy way 高兴地,幸福地•He was happily married with two young children.他婚姻美满,并育有两个小孩。 •She munched happily on her chocolate bar.她高兴地嚼着巧克力。 ADVANCED ■willingly 愿意地,乐意地•I'd happily offer to help him if I thought it would make any difference.如果我觉得自己能发挥一些作用,我会很愿意帮助他。 ['hæp.ɪ.li] adverb LUCKY 幸运地 ■having a good or lucky result 幸运地•Happily, the weather remained fine throughout the afternoon.幸运的是,整个下午天气一直都很好。 |