ambition [æm'bɪʃ.ən] noun countable or uncountable IMPROVER ■a strong wish to be successful, powerful, rich, etc. 抱负;志向;雄心;野心•She's got a lot of ambition.她很有抱负。 •[+ to infinitive] His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.他的抱负是最终能够经营自己的公司。 •He has already achieved his main ambition in life - to become wealthy.他已经实现了他人生最大的志向——发财致富。 •political ambitions政治抱负 •She doubts whether she'll ever be able to fulfil her ambition.究竟是否能够实现自己的理想,她没有把握。 •I've always had a burning (= very great) ambition to be a film director.我一直有一个远大的志向,那就是做电影导演。 •After his heart attack, he abandoned his ambition to become Prime Minister.他心脏病发作以后,就放弃了要当首相的勃勃雄心。 |