内容推荐 《小学英语阅读周周练(4年级第2版)/快捷英语》打破了小学英语课本版别的限制,与课标接轨,完全遵循课标要求编写。每个年级均涵盖16个小学常见话题,每周接触一个话题,让小学生阅读训练更有计划性。 本系列图书内容生动活泼,语言地道纯正,并配有精美的卡通漫画,同时还有“知识订阅号”栏目,使学生在趣味中学习,在快乐中成长,充分体现了寓教于乐的理念。 每个话题安排三篇阅读文章,三篇文章难度由浅入深,由易到难,且每篇文章练习均由“基础练习”和“拓展练习”构成,呈梯度训练。 文中对重点单词进行注释,并对难点句式进行点拨,每篇文章均提供参考译文及答案,便于小学生自学本系列图书。 目录 Week 1 Clothing服饰 1.Out to play 2.I wear 3.Eight o’clock Beijing time Week 2 Position位置 4.Where is Jim?(1) 5.Where is Jim?(2) 6.Where is Jim?(3) Week 3 Numbers数字 7.Lucky numbers 8.Lookforthe numbers 9.Number twenty now Week 4 Animals动物 10.An owl 11.Do you know about dinosaurs 12.Giraffes Week 5 School学校 13.The teaching building 14.My classroom 15.Classroom rules Week 6 Farm农场 16.My uncle Paul is afarmer 17.The farmer and the snake 18.A day on a farm Week 7 Science科学 19.The moon 20.Water 21.The sea Week 8 Health健康 22.How to keep healthy 23.Healthy eating habits 24.Good for health Week 9 Seasons季节 25.The friends ofthe seasons 26.Seasons change 27.The poem ofautumn Week 10 Body身体 28.Know more about your body 29.Hair on our body 30.My five senses Week 11 Holidays节日 31.Holidays 32.April Fool’s Day 33.K Day Week 12 Letters信件 34.A letter from Brad 35.My birthday party 36.Family Week 13 Months月份 37.A busy term 38.Children’S Day 39.Important family days Week 14 Places地点 40.Our school library 41.The first floor and the second floor 42.The park Week 15 Subjects学科 43.I like my school 44.Favourite subjects 45.Friends Week 16 Toys玩具 46.Favourite toys 47.My doll 48.Toy show