内容推荐 本书为《体验汉语基础教程(修订版)》的第3册,共10课,每课包括:热身、词语、课文、活动、语音、汉字、交际等环节。本书最大程度地保留了原教材中的优点:以“体验”教育为编写理念。贴近外国学习者的学习习惯。顺应时代潮流。 目录 Lesson 1 ·兴趣爱好Interest and Hobbies· 我对中国书法很感兴趣 I am interested in Chinese calligraphy very much. Lesson 2 ·周末生活Weekend Life· 这个周末你有空儿吗? Are you free this weekend? Lesson 3 ·邀请做客Inviting and Being a Guest· 欢迎来我家玩儿! Welcome to my home Lesson 4 ·购物方式Ways of Shopping· 以后再说吧 Let's talk about it later Lesson 5 ·节日活动Festival Activities· 我们好好儿打扫一下房间吧 Let's clean up the room Lesson 6 · 假期生活Holiday Life· 寒假你有什么打算 What is your plan for the winter vacation? Lesson 7 ·职业规划Career Planning· 我一毕业就回国 I will go back to my country as soon as I graduate Lesson 8 ·旅行准备Preparation for a Trip· 咱们是坐飞机去还是坐火车去? Shall we go by air or by train? Lesson 9 · 进出机 场Going in and out of the Airport· 请稍等,要一个一个地办 It takes time to check in one by one. Lesson 10 测验 Test Appendix Ⅰ 附录一 词语表 Vocabulary Appendix Ⅱ 附录二 第10课测验听力文本与参考答案Scripts and Answers of Lesson 10 Test |