内容推荐 《英语文体学要略》是一本专门介绍和探讨文学文体的专著性教材,由九章构成。第一章为绪论,主要讨论现代文体学的定义、理论假说、文体分析的目的、组成部分、步骤和性质等。第二章论述三种有较大影响的文体观;文体是变异,文体是选择,文体是突出。第三至第六章集中分析语言学各层次上的变异性突出和过分规则性突出两大类文化特点。第七章论文学篇的连结。第八章运用言语行为、合作原则和括轮替换等理论对文学作品中的对话进行分析和解释。最后一章探文坛文体学的理论与方法对英语文学教学的启示。另外,每章都有配有习题;书末附有术语和人名英汉对照索引。 本书不仅可用作高校英语专业文体学课教材,而且还可供广大英语教师、英语专业研究生以豚高级阶段英语学习参考使用。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Definition of Stylistics 1.2 Emergence of Stylistice as an Interdisciplinary Field of Study 1.3 Two Important Assumptions of Stylistics 1.4 The Goals,Components and Procedure of Stylistic Inquiry 1.5 The Nature of Stylitic Atylysis Execises Chapter 2 Three Views on Style 2.1 Style as Deviance 2.2 Style as Choice 2.3 Style as Foregrounding Exercises Chapter 3 Surface-structure Deviation 3.1 Phonological Deviation 3.1.1 Omission 3.1.2 Mispronunciation and Sub-standard Pronunciation 3.1.3 Special Pronunciation 3.1.4 Change of Stress 3.2 Graphological Deviation 3.2.1 Shape of Text 3.2.2 Type of Print 3.2.3 Grammetrics 3.3 Syntactic Deviation 3.3.1 Unusual Clause Theme 3.3.2 Deviant Phrase Structure 3.4 Lexical Deviation 3.4.1 Affixation 3.4.2 Compounding 3.4.3 Conversion Exercises Chapter 4 Deep-structure Deviation 4.1 Contradiction 4.1.1 Oxymoron 4.1.2 Paradox 4.2 Transference 4.2.1 Synecdoche 4.2.2 Metonymy 4.2.3 Metaphor 4.3 Deception 4.3.1 Overstatement 4.3.2 Understatement 4.3.3 Irony 4.4 Ambiguity Exercises Chapter 5 Phonological Overregularity 5.1 Phonemic Patterning 5.1.1 Alliteration 5.1.2 Rhyme 5.1.3 Assonance 5.1.4 Consonance 5.1.5 Onomatopoeia 5.2 Rhythmic Patterning 5.2.1 Stress 5.2.2 Metre 5.2.3 Metrical Variation Exercises Chapter 6 Syntactic Overregularity 6.1 Repetition 6.1.1 Immediate Repetition 6.1.2 Intermittent Repetition 6.2 Parallelism 6.2 , 1 Large*scale Parallelism 6.2.2 Small-scale Parallelism Exercises Chapter 7 Cohesion in Literary Discourse 7.1 Phonological Devices 7.2 Syntactic Devices 7.2.1 Co-reference 7.2.2 Ellipsis 7.2.3 Linkage 7.3 Lexical Devices 7.3.1 Lexical Repetition 7.3.2 Elegant Variation 7.4 Cohesion of Foregrounded Features Exercises Chapter 8 Speech Acts, The Cooperative Principle and Turn-taking 8.1 Speech Act Theory 8.2 The Cooperative Principle 8.3 Turn-taking Exercises Chapter 9 Implications of Stylistics for Teaching English Literature 9.1 A Brief Description of Students 9.2 Implications of Stylistics for Defining the Aims of Teaching Literature 9.3 Implications of Stylistics for Devising Classroom Literary Exercises 9.4 The Advantages and Challenges of a Stylistic Approach to Teaching Literature Exercises Bibliography General Index (with Chinese Translation) |