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内容推荐 这是一本很好好的教科书,目的是向医学生传达医学心理学。 本书包含了心理学的基本知识;心理学主要流派介绍;心理学研究方法;心理干预,包括(心理)健康促进技术和心理治疗;一些心理测试方法。 目录 Part 1: INTRODUCTION OF MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY 1 Definition, Scope and Aims of Medical Psychology 2 Main Schools of Psychology 3 The Humanities and the Practice of Medicine 4 An Outline of General Psychology Part 2: MIND-BODY INTERACTIONS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 5 Brain, Mind, and Behavior 6 Families, Relationships, and Health 7 Birth, Childhood and Adolescence 8 Early Adulthood and the Middle Years 9 Old Age 10 Death, Dying, and Grief. Part 3: PATIENT BEHAVIOR 11 Stress and Illness 12 Addictive Disorders 13 Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition 14 Human Sexuality Part 4: THE PHYSICIAN'S ROLE AND PHYSICIAN-PATIENT INTERACTIONS 15 Medical Student and Physician Well-Being.. 16 Physician-Patient Relationship 17 Communicating with Patients 18 Patient Assessment 19 Recognizing and Treating Psychopathology in Non-psychiatry Clinical Settings 20 Managing Difficult Patients Part 5: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE 21 Culturally Competent Health Care 22 Cultural and Psychological Issues Relating to Traditional Medicine in China 23 Psychological Intervention Index