willing ['wɪl.ɪŋ] adjective be willing (to do sth) ESSENTIAL ■to be happy to do something if it is needed 愿意,乐意(做某事)•If you're willing to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket.如果你愿意夜里乘飞机,那就能买到更便宜的机票。 •You said you needed a volunteer - well, I'm willing.你说过你需要一名志愿者——我愿意。 •Apparently John and Gabriel are willing for us to use their garden.很明显,约翰和加布里埃尔愿意让我们使用他们的花园。 ESSENTIAL approving ■describes someone who does their work energetically and enthusiastically 卖力的;积极的•a willing helper积极肯做的帮手 |