释义 |
disorder UK [dɪ'sɔ:.dər] US [-'sɔ:r.dɚ] noun CONFUSION 混乱 uncountable ■a state of untidiness or lack of organization 混乱,凌乱,杂乱无章•The whole office was in a state of disorder.整个办公室里凌乱不堪。 •The opposition party have been in such disorder for so long that they pose no real threat to the present government.反对党长期处于混乱状态,因而不会对现政府构成真正的威胁。 UK [dɪ'sɔ:.dər] US [-'sɔ:r.dɚ] noun ILLNESS 疾病 countable or uncountable ■an illness of the mind or body 失调,紊乱•a blood disorder血液失调 •The family have a history of mental disorder.该家族有精神病史。 UK [dɪ'sɔ:.dər] US [-'sɔ:r.dɚ] noun ANGRY SITUATION 愤怒状态 uncountable ■an angry, possibly violent, expression of not being happy or satisfied about something, especially about a political matter, by crowds of people (尤指政治)暴乱,动乱,骚乱•The trial was kept secret because of the risk of public disorder.因有发生公众骚乱的危险,审判秘密进行。 |