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书名 列子说·韩非子说
作者 蔡志忠
出版社 现代出版社
列子说 Liezi Speaks.1
卷 天瑞 Chapter 1 Heaven’s Bounty.2
快乐的三个原因 Three Reasons to Be Happy .3
生为徭役 死为休息 Life Is Taxing Death Is Relaxing .5
杞人忧天 The Sky Is Falling. 8
第二卷 黄帝 Chapter 2 The Yellow Emperor.10
列子御风而行 Liezi Rides the Wind.11
美与丑 Pretty and Ugly.14
神巫的相术 The Physiognomer.15
列子惊惧 Liezi Gets Scared.19
第三卷 周穆王 Chapter 3 King Mu of Zhou.21
周穆王神游 King Mu Travels Out of Body.22
老成子学幻 The Illusionist.26
列子说梦 Liezi Interprets Dreams.28
苦乐的真相 The Reality of Joy and Suffering.31
是梦是真? Dream or Real?.33
华子健忘症 Huazi Gets Amnesia.35
见物思情  Seeing Is for Grieving.37
迷惘的是谁? Who’s the Demented One?.39
第四卷 仲尼 Chapter 4 Confucius.40
圣人乎? A Sage?.41
师者有兼才 Well-Rounded.43
用“心”去玩 Rambling With the Mind.45
第五卷 汤问 Chapter 5 Tang’s Questions .46
长短、大小、高下 A Foot Short, An Inch Long.47
愚公移山 The Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains.51
夸父逐日 Kuafu Chases the Sun.53
异国奇俗 Strange Customs in Other Lands.55
师文学琴 Wen Studies the Zither.56
绕梁三日 Three Days in the Rafters.60
伯牙鼓琴 Bo Ya Plays the Zither.64
不射的神箭 The Dao of Archery.67
泰豆心法 Tai Dou’s Method of the Mind.77
来丹报仇 Laidan Seeks Revenge.79
第六卷 力命 Chapter 6 Power and Destiny.83
命 Destiny.84
贪生怕死 Greedy to Live, Afraid to Die.85
死不足悲? What’s Sad About Death?.87
第七卷 杨朱 Chapter 7 Yang Zhu.88
名无实 实无名 A Good Reputation.89
贫害身 富累身 Contented, Not Contentious.92
生暂来 死暂往 Coming and Going.93
生与死 Life and Death.95
狂人?达人? Crazy or Enlightened?.97
顺其“生”顺其“死” Flowing With Life and Death.100
拔一毛以利天下 Pulling Out a Hair.101
治大者不治细 Big Fish Don’t Swim in Small Rivers.103
寿、名、位、货  Longevity, Reputation, Status, Wealth.105
野人献曝 The Country Bumpkin Gives Advice.106
第八卷 说符 Chapter 8 Interpreting Signs.107
持后的道理 Maintaining the Rear.108
影响 The Shadow and the Echo.109
学道的目的 The Goal of Studying the Dao.110
列子学射 Liezi Studies Archery.111
知贤而不自贤 Employing Capable People.112
不恃智巧 The Artifi Leaf.113
先知的话 Prophetic Words.114
失时者亡 Timing Is Everything.115
我伐人,人亦伐我 The Invader Is Invaded.117
骤雨不终日 It Doesn’t Rain Forever.118
幸与不幸 The Two Acrobats.119
善相马者不知牝牡 The Horse Appraiser Forgets the Color.120
爵高 官大 禄厚 High Rank, High Office, High Pay.122
理无常是 事无常非 No Single Way.123
锋芒之害 The Danger of Being Conspicuous.126
不食盗食 Bandit’s Food.127
士为不知己者死 Dying for an Unworthy Cause.128
杨布打狗 Yang Bu Beats a Dog.129
知行分立 The Art of Longevity.130
恩过相补 Releasing Pigeons.131
弱肉强食 The Weak Are Meat for the Strong to Eat.132
耻 Shame.133
钱 Money.134
心中的善恶 The Scheming Neighbor.135
心中的“贼” A Thief in the Mind.136
颐之忘,将何不忘哉 Preoccupied.137
眼之所见 Focused.138
附录·延伸阅读 APPENDIX Further reading .139
韩非子说 Hanfeizi Speaks.155
韩非子的一生 The Life of Han FeiZi.155
韩非子的一生 The Life of Han Feizi.156
韩非子的哲学 The Philosophy of Han Feizi.160
坚守本位 Knowing Your Place.163
爪牙 Claws and Teeth.164
非知难,说之难 The Difficulty of Persuasion.165
好心与坏心 Giving Advice.166
人逐利而为 People Act for Profit.168
圣人没有耻辱 Sages Are Not Disgraced.170
箕子的忧虑 Worries.171
宋人献玉 A Gift of jade.172
一鸣惊人 The Thunder of a Bird’s Call.173
得胜之道 The way to Win.175
文王的手段 King Wen’s Methods.176
自胜者强 Overcoming the Self.177
巧诈不如拙诚 Sincerity over Cunning.178
老马识途 Old Horses Know the Way.181
蚤虱之流 Tiny as a Louse.183
卫人嫁女 The Selfish Wife.184
鲁人徙越 The Lu People Move to Yue.185
远水近火 Distant Water for a Nearby Fire.186
为羿持靶 Holding the Target for Yi .187
预兆 Signs.188
勇气的来源 The Origin of Courage.189
虱子争猪 Three Lice on a Pig.190
预留余地 Leave Some Room.191
王寿焚书 Wang Shou Burns His Books.192
两张嘴巴的虫 The Two-Headed Bug.193
伯乐教相马 Bo Le Appraises Horses.194
立法如涧谷 The Penal Gorge.195
侥幸心理 Feeling Lucky.196
使民赴水火 Braving Fire and Water.197
越王好勇民多轻死 The King Bows to a Frog.198
仁义只能说着玩玩 Benevolence and Righteousness Are Just for Fooling Around.199
爱多者,则法不立 Caring Too Much.200
伺察的方术 Checking Up.201
滥竽充数 Biding Time.202
越王试练人民 Training the People.203
使民习弓 Teaching the People to Shoot.205
愚弄 Made a Fool Of.206
水火之性 The Nature of Fire and Water.207
妻子的祷告 A Wife’s Prayer.208
太子尚未出生 The Crown Prince Hasn’t Been Born.209
烧不掉的头发 The Unburnable Hair.210
利害有反 When Benefit Becomes Harm.212
美人无鼻 The Noseless Beauty.213
卜子妻做新裤 A New Pair of Pants.215
棘刺之端的母猴 A Monkey on the Tip of a Thorn.216
人君犹盂民犹水 A Sovereign Is Like a Basin.218
宋襄公之仁 The Righ teousness of Duke Xiang.219
秦伯嫁女 Duke Mu Gives His Daughter in Marriage.221
木鸢不如车 The Wooden Kite and Pivot-Bar.222
郢书燕说 RaiSing Up a Candle.223
白马总是马 A White Horse is Still a Horse.225
宓子贱治单父 Fuzi jian Governs Shanfu.226
无用的葫芦 The Useless Calabash.227
画鞭 The Painted Whip.228
买椟还珠 The Jewelry Box.229
自食其果 Reaping What You Sow.230
买履取度 Buying Shoes.231
画鬼最易 Painting Ghosts.232
妇人之仁 Mrs.Bu’s Benevolence.233
喜欢才不要 Thanks, But No Thanks.234
不蔽贤人 Shaoshi the Muscle-Man.235
公私分明 Keep Public and Private Separate.236
曾子杀猪 Zengzi Slaughters a Pig.237
施恩望报 Rewarding the Worthy.238
公私有别 The Difference Between Private and Public.239
空言难使马肥 Skinny Horses.240
太子也得谨慎守法 Even the Crown Prince Must Obey the Law.241
吴起休妻 Wu Qi Divorces His Wife.243
明聪独断可为王 Seeing, Hearing, Judging.244
卖酒人家的猛犬 The Wine Merchant’s Dog.245
齐王选后 Choosing a Queen.246
君主用术的原则 The King Studies Law.247
治国要有方术 Methods.248
不能与臣共用威权 Zao Fu and the Boar.249
以利御人靠不住 Rewards Aren’t Necessarily Sufficient.250




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