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书名 神话,人与音乐
作者 赵奇
出版社 现代出版社
赵奇,副教授,中央音乐学院基础部外语教研室主任,毕业于辽宁师范大学。曾参与校订《音乐的意义与表现》、参与“Discourse In Music”(音乐论文集)的翻译、编写完成重点项目中央音乐学院博士生英语教材“English Essays for Music Masters”、本科生英语教材《音乐学院英语教程》。
Unit 1 Culture, Myth and Man 文化、神话与人
1.Comparing Cultures
2.Have we lost our ability to reading meaning into things?
3.Myth and Modern Man
Unit 2 The Power of Stories 故事的力量
1.Telling Stories
2.Chaos, Order and what Myth can tell us
3.Objects versus Meaning
Unit 3 Myth as a Bridge between Fate and Destiny 神话:命运与归宿之间的桥梁
2.Myths in a cultural setting
3.Myth as a modern narrative of survival
Unit 4 Myth as Constructive Agents 神话:建设性的媒质
1.Myths, where do they come jFom, past and present
2.Creation Myths
3.Chinese Creation Myths
Unit 5 Myth and Music 神话与音乐
1.Does singing have a purpose?
2.China and its music history (Ⅰ)
3.China and its music history (Ⅱ)
Unit 6 The Archetype of the Hero in Myth 神话中的英雄原型
1.Unlikely Heroes
2.The Monomyth
3.The transformation of the Hero
Unit 7 The stories we tell ourselves 我们讲给自己的故事
1.Is myth a lie?
2.Myths we tell to reinforce our cultural biases
3.Myths and the monsters that inhabit them
Unit 8 Music in Myth 神话中的音乐
1.An old Mesoamerican story: how music came to earth
2.Music in Greek mythology
3.Music in Celtic mythology
Unit 9 From Story to Myth 从故事到神话
1.Story-telling and Children
2.Egypt as a Cradle of Myth
3.The myth of Isis, Osiris, Horus and Seth
Unit 10 The importance of the Trickster Myth 圆滑人物在神话中的重要性
1.Parlour tricks and Trickster myths
2.Why the Trickster archetype exists (Ⅰ)
3.Why the Trickster archetype exists (Ⅱ)
Unit 11 Archetypes, Dreams and Symbols 原型、梦想与象征
1.The Archetypes and dreams
2.Distinguishing archetypes and myth from stories and legends
3.Archetypes and the creation of myth, religion and philosophy
Unit 12 Unusual Things you can do with a Myth! 神话激发的创意!
1.Some Chinese myths and iheir modern interpretations
2.Taking myth and re-vitalizing it, musically
3.What Richard Wagner could do with a myth
Unit 13 Old,Old Stories still have life and meaning 古老故事仍然具有生命和意义
1.Indian myth and modern times
2.Telling a story in words and then telling the same story in music; do we always get it right?
3.Brotherly love; a story about man's dualistic nature, set to music
Unit 14 Telling a stroy in three ways: The Mythographer, The Composer and The librettist 从三个角度讲述故事:神话学家、作曲家、词作家
1.Henry Purcell: a composer in an England re-inventing itself!
2.The librettist takes a myth and creates another
3.The role of the librettist in the success of Purcell's opera
Unit 15 The Attraction of Ayth for opera Composers 神话对歌剧作曲家的吸引力
1.The Return of Ulysses by Claudio Monteverdi
2.Orpheus, the myth that became Opera
3.Some thoughts on the power of the Orphic myth
unit 16 Stravinsky, the Oedipus complex and Freudian Slips 斯特拉文斯基、俄狄浦斯情结与弗洛伊德式错误
1.Oedipus Rex: Igor Stravinsly re-invents himself once more
2.Did Sigmund Freud get the plot wrong?
3.Watch what you don't want to say; someone may be listening!
Unit 17 Making an Old Myth Live and Irventing New Ones 给古老神话注入活力,继续创造新的神话
1.Jazz Opera The sisyphus Syndrome by Amiri Baraka
2.Invent your own mythic landscape on paper
3.Inventing your own mythic landscape on celluloid
Unit 18 The Needs of the Psyche 心灵的需要
1.How modern psychology sees the needs of the psyche
2.The needs of the psyche and what music can provide
3.The needs of the psyche and that infernal chord of evil!
unit 19 Flutes and Flute Dlayers in Mythology 神话中的笛子与笛子演奏者
1.Flutes of the Americas
2.Flutes and Fauns in Greece and Rome
3.The power offour simple notes in mythology
Unit 20 Why is the Topic of Myth abused by so much Argument and wrapped in so much Mystery? 为什么人们对神话总是争论不休,为什么它神秘感十足?
1.Do the Conch Horn and Human Voice serve as legitimate mythical music instruments
2.The arguments and mysteries surrounding the healing power of myth
3.Life and Death in ancient Greece: the Eleusinian Mysteries
Unit 21 Learning through Myth, coping with Myth and overcoming Myth 学习神话、驾驭神话、战胜神话
1.Learning about cinematic storytelling through myth
2.Coping through the use of myth
3.The labours of Tan Dun and the myth of Orientalism
Unit 22 The Dangers of Some Myths the Influence of Some Myths and the Power of Some Myths 神话的危险、神话的影响、神话的力量
1.Cognitive maturity and the development of cultural fictions
2.Re-writing myth for a new age: is The Matrix a modern version of Plato's Myth of the Cave?
3.Some interesting ideas used by J.K.Rawling: do they have the power to outlast this generation?
Unit 23 Modifying myth and some of the unexpected outcomes 改编神话及其意想不到的结果
1.Nicholas Flamel was not an alchemist!
2.Have we run out of myths to modify?
3.History removes the sacred, myth retains it: is this a problem?
Unit 24 Using Chinese myth to understand myth in general, and then asking if myth and science take opposing world-views 用中国神话理解世界神话探询神话和科学是否持对立的世界观
1.Some Chinese myths, critically appraised (Ⅰ)
2.Some Chinese myths critically appraised (Ⅱ)
3.When Science and Myth were not sworn enemies
Unit 25 Myth as a story about Englishtenment and the Hero, and what Wager got wrong, perhaps. 神话是启蒙运动和英雄的故事,瓦格纳或许做错了什么
1.Parsifal (Ⅰ)
2.Parsifal (Ⅱ)
3.Richard Wagner's Parzifal; a critical view with some serious repercussions




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