内容推荐 对于中医药来说,只有实现“走出去”,才能获得更快的发展和更大的空间。“未来10年是实现中医药全面走向靠前、在世界范围获得丰富与发展的关键时期。”“世界中医学专业核心课程教材”项目正是在此背景下启动的。 世界中医学教育快速发展,各国中医学教育亟需具有学术非常不错的规范教材。编译“世界中医学专业核心课程教材”,是对《世界中医学本科(CMD前)教育标准》《世界中医学专业核心课程》等标准的具体落实。本套教材英文翻译采用《中医基本名词术语中英对照靠前标准》。本套教材的出版和优选发行,可扩大中国文化、中华文明的靠前影响力,对中医药“走出去”和中国出版“走出去”具有重要的现实意义,且在世界中医药教育目前具有里程碑意义,核心课程教材的编译,拟利用好世界卫生组织、ISO等靠前组织平台,致力于中医药靠前标准的制定、参与靠前中医药发展秩序的重建等,使中医学教育能登堂入室,推动世界中医药的大发展。出版本套教材是解决中医靠前化关键问题的有力措施。 作者队伍非常不错、实力雄厚:中文撰写者由世界中医药学会联合会教育指导委员在世界范围经过精心遴选的来自海内外很好中医药院校和机构的具有丰富教材编写经验和靠前化教学经验的一线、品质很好专家、学者,来自15个国家和地区的74所高等中医药院校及研究院(所),合计283人,其中境内34个机构、226人;境外40个机构,57人。 本项目由1本教学大纲和13本教材组成,即:1.《世界中医学专业核心课程教学大纲》,2.《中医基础理论》,3.《中医诊断学》,4.《中药学》,5.《方剂学》,6.《中医内科学》,7.《中医妇科学》,8.《中医儿科学》,9.《针灸学》,10.《推拿学》,11.《黄帝内经》,12.《伤寒论》,13.《金匮要略》,14.《温病学》。 目录 Part One Overview of Tuina Chapter One Historical Evolution of Tuh~a Section 1 The Origin and Development of Tuina Section 2 The Development and Application of Tuina Worldwide I. The Development of Manual Therapy Worldwide II. Application end Popularization of Tuina Worldwide Section 3 Ways to Study Tuina Chapter Two The Principles Behind the Effects of Tuina Section 1 The Principles of the Effects of Tuina in Chinese Medicine I. Regulating Yin end Yang II. Supplementing the Deficient and Draining the Excess III. Invigorating Blood and Dissolving Stasis VI. Dredging the Meridians and Unblocking the Collaterals V. Adjusting Tendons and Restoring Bones Section 2 The Mechanisms of Tuina from the View of Biomedicine I. Impact to the Motor System II. Impact to the Nervous System III. Impact to the Circulatory System IV. Impact to the Digestive System V. Impact to the Endocrine and Immune Systems VI. Other Impacts Chapter Three Treatment Principles and Methods of Tuina Section 1 Treatment Principles of Tu I. Preventive Treatment II. Treating the Root Cause of the Disease III. Supplementing the Deficient and Draining the Excess IV. Regulating Yin and Yang V. Treating the Disease According to the Three Factors Section 2 Treatment Methods of Tuina I. The Warming Method II. The Unblocking Method III. The Supplementing Method IV. The Purging Method V. The Sweat-promoting Method VI. The Harmonizing Method VII.The Dispersing Method VIII. The Clearing Method Chapter Four Common Diagnostic Methods Used in Tuina Section 1 Examination of the Head and Neck I. Examination of the Head and Face n, Examination of the Neck Section 2 Examination of the Chest and Abdomen I. ExaminQtion of the Chest II. Abdominal Examination Section 3 Examination of the Back and Lower Back …… Part Two tuina for adults Appendix indexes |