作者简介 诺布旺丹,现任中国民族学学会副秘书长、中国宗教学会理事、中国西南民族学会理事。著述有《艺人、文本和语境:文化批评视野下的格萨尔史诗传统》、《藏族神话与史诗》(藏文)、《生命之轮——藏传佛教的活佛转世》等。 目录 Chapter One Tibetan Literature in the Age of Oral Tradition Ⅰ. Natural and Cultural Literature Environment in the Age of Oral Tradition Ⅱ. Oral Tradition — the Cornerstone of Oral Literature Ⅲ. Three Treasures in Tibetan Literature — Sgrung, Ldevu and Bon Ⅳ. Philosophical Expression of Tibetan Oral Literature: Proverbs Chapter Two The Agglomeration of Tibetan Oral Tradition: Gesar Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Origins: So and Cultural Context Ⅲ. Singers of Fairy Tales Ⅳ. Text and Its Evolution Ⅴ. Conservation and Preservation Chapter Three Basic Types and Texts of Written Literature (Ⅰ) Ⅰ. Tibetan as Medium for Written Literature Ⅱ. The Translation of Buddhist Scriptures as the Beginning of Written Literature Ⅲ. Buddhist Literature Ⅳ. Historical Literature Chapter Four Basic Types and Texts of Written Literature (Ⅱ) Ⅰ. Biographical Literature Ⅱ. Terma Literature Ⅲ. Poetry Ⅳ. Novels Ⅴ. The Collection of Letters Chapter Five The Literature Genres between Oral Language and Written Language Ⅰ. Religious Song Ⅱ. Maxim Ⅲ. Persuasion Ⅳ. Tibetan Opera Acknowledgments 内容推荐 西藏文学源远流长,是千百年来西藏历史的见证,是西藏独特的历史文化魅力标志性符号。西藏文学与西藏历史、宗教和艺术相互交融,同时也是中国文学的明珠,与内地文学具有密切的源流关系。本书呈现了西藏文学的各种形式中所蕴涵的深刻的生活、思想和审美观点。 |