opportunist UK [ˌɒp.ə'tju:.nɪst] US [ˌɑ:.pɚ'tu:-] usually disapproving noun countable ■someone who tries to get power or an advantage in every situation 机会主义者;投机取巧者•He was portrayed as a ruthless opportunist who exploited the publicity at every opportunity.他被刻划成为一个一有机会就大肆宣扬的无情机会主义者。 UK [ˌɒp.ə'tju:.nɪst] US [ˌɑ:.pɚ'tu:-] usually disapproving adjective (also opportunistic) ■using a situation to get power or an advantage 投机的;机会主义的•It's said that a barking dog puts off the opportunist thief.人们说,汪汪叫的狗能防住伺机下手的贼。 •At half-time, United were leading with two opportunistic goals by Black.上半场结束时,联队因布莱克打进两个机会球而领先。 |