作者简介 尕藏加,有名藏族佛教学者,中国社会科学院研究生院教授、中国社会科学院佛教研究中心研究员、中国佛教文化研究所特聘研究员。著有《人类奥秘大开放-藏传佛教密宗》、《西藏佛教神秘文化-密宗》、《吐蕃佛教-宁玛派前史与密宗传承研究》《雪域的宗教》(上、下册)等。 目录 Preface CHAPTER ONE The Bon Religion Ⅰ.Dor-Bonism period Ⅱ.Cha-Bonism period Ⅲ.Jo-Bonism period Ⅳ.The monasteries of the Bon religion CHAPTER TWO Tibetan Buddhism Ⅰ.Origins of Tibetan Buddhism Ⅱ.The formation of Tibetan Buddhism (Ⅰ)The Buddhism promotion achievements—ofTrisong Detsen (Ⅱ)Measures ofTritsuk Detsen on promoting Buddhism (Ⅲ)King Lang Darma’S persecution of Buddhism Ⅲ.Development of Tibetan Buddhism (Ⅰ)Propagation of Buddhism from Eastern Tibet (Ⅱ)Propagation of Buddhism from Ⅰndia Ⅳ.Buddhist Sects (Ⅰ)The Nyingmapa (Ⅱ)The Kadampa (Ⅲ)The Sakyapa (Ⅳ)The Kagyupa (Ⅴ)TheJonangpa (Ⅵ)The Gelugpa (Ⅶ)The Zhibyedpa (Ⅷ)The Gcodyulpa (Ⅸ)The Bulugspa Ⅴ.Tibetan Buddhism monasteries (Ⅰ)The Monasteries ofthe Gelugpa (Ⅱ)The Monasteries of the Nyingmapa (Ⅲ)The Monasteries ofthe Kagyupa (Ⅳ)The Monasteries ofthe Sakyapa (Ⅴ)The Monasteries ofthe Jonangpa CHAPTER THREE Christianity Ⅰ.HistoryofRomanCatholicisminTibet Ⅱ.History of rise and decline of Christianity in Batang (Ⅰ)Emerging and decline of Catholicism (Ⅱ)Emerging and decline of Christianity Ⅲ.History and current development ofCatholicism in Yanjing (Ⅰ)Checkered history ofCatholicism in Yanjing (Ⅱ)Catholic Church and its Tibetan believers CHAPTER FOUR Ⅰslam Ⅰ.Mosque and Muslims in Lhasa (Ⅰ)The development ofthe Great Mosque 0f Lhasa (Ⅱ)Life ofMuslim residents ofLhasa Ⅱ.History and culture ofthe Mosque of Qamdo (Ⅰ)Historical evolution and cultural background of the Mosque of Qamdo (Ⅱ)The Mosque of Qamdo and Muslim families today 内容推荐 本书由著名佛教学者尕藏加撰稿。要了解西藏,必然要先了解认识西藏的宗教。《西藏宗教》从苯教开始,以藏传佛教为重点,清晰地阐明藏传佛教各宗派的产生、发展历史,使读者对西藏宗教有一个整体认识。 |