作者简介 刘志群,1965年毕业于中央戏剧学院。历任西藏自治区藏剧编剧,西藏歌舞团编剧,西藏戏剧家协会副兼秘书长,中国戏曲学会理事。合作改编大型传统藏戏《诺桑法王》,新编大型历史藏戏《唐东杰布》等10余部藏戏剧作。主编并合作撰写《中国戏曲志·西藏卷》等。 目录 Introduction Chapter One Art of Singing and Dancing 1. Traditional folk singing and dancing 2. Modern professional singing and dancing Chapter Two The Religious Dance Accompanied by Music 1. The development of the religious dance 2. The types of the religious dance Chapter Three Opera 1. Tibetan opera 2. Monpa opera Chapter Four Calligraphy 1. The development of Tibetan calligraphy 2. Calligraphy categories Chapter Five Art of Painting 1. Murals 2. Thangka 3. Painting schools Chapter Six Art of Sculptures 1. Metal sculptures 2. Painted clay sculptures 3. Stone carvings 4. Wood carvings 5. Pottery sculptures Chapter Seven Art of Stone Carving 1. Rock art 2. Cliff carvings 3. Mani stone carvings Chapter Eight Art of Masks 1. The Development of Tibetan masks 2. The Types and characteristics of masks 内容推荐 西藏的艺术具有浓郁的民族风格和鲜明的民族特色。本书全面介绍西藏的雕塑艺术、绘画艺术、歌舞艺术、文学艺术以及民间工艺等,展现西藏丰富的、独特的地方风情及民族特点及其艺术价值。 |